
Atlanta, prepare for #TruffleTakeoff

#TruffleTakeoff Tour in Atlanta

Ladies and Gentlemen welcome aboard Godiva Truffle Flights. Our destination this afternoon is Atlantic Station in beautiful Atlanta Georgia. I’m your tasting guide Nikka Shae. As your guide I will be taking you to an exclusive tasting event featuring Godiva’s latest chocolate covered indulgence, the NEW Truffle Flights Collection. You will have first class VIPeek access to this unique tasting experience complete with candid captures of deliciously mouthwatering bites of decadent chocolate. Please be aware that the following pictures were captured LIVE from the event and will depict moments of truffle excitement, along with an excessive amount of truffle pleasure, and lots of confectionery fun.

At this time we ask that you place your seat backs in their fully reclined position as you prepare to experience euphoric pleasure and discover the decadent deliciousness of chocolate covered goodness. Once again, we welcome you aboard Godiva Truffle Flights.

Your taste buds have been cleared for takeoff. Enjoy!

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